At 4.30 p.m., with Marie Jourdain. For all. Free price. At a time when we need to reduce our energy consumption for the wallet and the climate, simple and effective innovations are emerging such as: the Norwegian Pot! To cook at a lower cost or just to keep your small dishes warm, this pot changes your life! From potatoes to stews, dessert creams and rice pudding, the Norwegian pot is compatible with many recipes! At the end of this presentation snack, if between 3 and 5 people are...
At 4.30 p.m., with Marie Jourdain. For all. Free price. At a time when we need to reduce our energy consumption for the wallet and the climate, simple and effective innovations are emerging such as: the Norwegian Pot! To cook at a lower cost or just to keep your small dishes warm, this pot changes your life! From potatoes to stews, dessert creams and rice pudding, the Norwegian pot is compatible with many recipes! At the end of this presentation snack, if between 3 and 5 people are interested, we will offer two pot-making workshops!