The Cistercian Abbot of the Abbey of Langonnet, Maurice, received the mission to found a new Cistercian abbey in Clohars-Carnoët. This was Notre Dame de Clohars-Carnoët, now known as the Abbaye Saint Maurice. There was a strong architectural relationship between the two abbeys, especially with regard to the chapter house. It is to this discovery that the Friends of the Abbey invite you on 07/28/2022. Meet at the Abbaye de Langonnet at 9 a.m., for an imperative departure at 9:30 a.m. for...
The Cistercian Abbot of the Abbey of Langonnet, Maurice, received the mission to found a new Cistercian abbey in Clohars-Carnoët. This was Notre Dame de Clohars-Carnoët, now known as the Abbaye Saint Maurice. There was a strong architectural relationship between the two abbeys, especially with regard to the chapter house. It is to this discovery that the Friends of the Abbey invite you on 07/28/2022. Meet at the Abbaye de Langonnet at 9 a.m., for an imperative departure at 9:30 a.m. for Clohars. On site, visit the chapter house, the church and the tide mill. 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m.: meal-crêperie at Clohars Carnoët. 2 p.m.: departure for the Abbey of Langonnet for a visit to the chapter house. Provide camera. Price: €10 (excluding meals). Register with Colette, until 07/27 at 12:00 p.m. on 02 97 23 07 30.